Registry Configuration Functions |
Brief History: I have written this Class in the distant 20 August 1997 and since then
not the never more modified (power of the Objects Programming!). I am based on the
example code of a Visual Basic 5 Handbook .
Members :
Name |
Declaration |
Description |
CreateStructure |
Sub CreateStructure(hKey As Long, SubKey As String) |
Add a Key. |
DeleteStructure |
Sub DeleteStructure(hKey As Long, SubKey As String) |
Delete a Key. |
DeleteValue |
Sub DeleteValue(hKey As Long, SubKey As String, ValueName As String) |
Delete a Value. |
ReadValue |
Function ReadValue(hKey As Long, SubKey As String, ValueName As String, [Default As
String]) As String |
Read a Data for a Value and a Key. |
WriteValue |
Sub WriteValue(hKey As Long, SubKey As String, ValueName As String, vNewValue As
String) |
Set the Data in the Value of a Key. If not exist the Key or the Value then they will
be created. |
Where :
Parameter Name |
Description |
hKey |
General Key of the Registry. ex. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002 |
SubKey |
Application Key. ex. "\SOFTWARE\GiulioSPA\N3DPro\ImageSaver" |
ValueName |
Value Name for the current Key. ex. "JPGDetail" |
Default |
Default Value for the not available case. ex. "85" |
vNewValue |
Data for the current Value. ex. "75" |
Example of use :
Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
Private m_JPGDetail as Long
Private m_REGKEY as String
Private m_RegSvr as New RegFun
m_REGKEY = "\SOFTWARE\GiulioSPA\N3DPro\ImageSaver"
m_JPGDetail = m_RegSvr.ReadValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
m_REGKEY, "JPGDetail", 15)
- To insert the JPG Detail :
Call m_RegSvr.WriteValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
m_REGKEY, "JPGDetail", m_JPGDetail)
- To delete the "JPGDetail" Value from
the value list of the key m_REGKEY :
Call m_RegSvr.DeleteValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
m_REGKEY, "JPGDetail")
- To Add a subKey of the current:
Call m_RegSvr.CreateStructure(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
m_REGKEY & "\Dummy")
- To delete the previous Key :
Sub m_RegSvr.DeleteStructure(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
m_REGKEY & "\Dummy")
Part of the code here above written is used in the JPG Save. See the N3DCommon